Have Smartwatches Undergone Big Changes?

The world’s getting smarter. Hold that thought! Technology is getting smarter every passing day. In recent years, we’ve seen how manufacturers are working on new features and trying to be as innovative as they can. It’s quite possible that in the next one or two decades, we’ll be able to play casino ruletka online on our smartwatch. Anything is possible in today’s era!
Well, let’s stick with the present scenario. Apple and Android smartwatches have multiple features, and they are making life much more convenient. Mont Blanc, Tag Heuer, and Hublot have joined the smartwatch club and are creating stellar pieces for tech-enthusiasts.
Big brands like Apple, OnePlus, Tag Heuer, and Samsung have added a multitude of bells and whistles to their smartwatches. And it keeps getting smarter! Technology surprises us in many ways. Isn’t it baffling how manufacturers add a new feature every year? That’s precisely why we want to shed light on how smartwatches have undergone big changes. Let’s get started!
Track Your Blood Oxygen Degree
During the pandemic, pharmacies and online stores ran out of oximeters. There were pre-bookings, and some manufacturers were charging a fortune for it. Thankfully, today’s smartwatches can track the blood oxygen degree.
95% to 100% is considered a ‘normal’ range, and anything less than that requires immediate attention. Just touch the screen, and the smartwatch will track your blood oxygen level within seconds.
Count your calories and steps
Once you wear the smartwatch and connect it with your phone, the watch will do its job. It will track the number of steps you have walked all day and the calories you burnt.
This is an interesting feature because many fitness enthusiasts and weight-watchers need a portable step tracker. They can’t carry a phone everywhere. Let’s face it: carrying a phone while working out or jogging can be inconvenient. You don’t want your expensive phone to drop on the ground and get a broken screen.
Wear the smartwatch and forget about it – the steps and calories will be calculated and tracked on their own.
It’s time to track your sleep hours
Good sleep is essential in a weight loss journey. Moreover, we’ve seen that those who stay up late are less productive throughout the day. They feel lethargic and go through episodes of procrastination. Wear your smartwatch even while sleeping, and you will get to know the number of hours you slept. Yes, smartwatches can track deep sleep as well.
Set an Alarm – Discard the Clock
The old-school alarm clocks on the side table aren’t portable. You can keep them at the bedside, but they cannot travel with you. Since the smartwatch is synced with your mobile, you can easily set the alarm and get a wake-up notification. Smartwatches start vibrating when the clock hits 6:00 AM (or whenever you set the alarm time). You won’t miss your alarm clock or the phone because smartwatches will be your best workout buddy.
Don’t be too lazy!
Smartwatches are getting smarter, and we say this with full conviction. When you sit for too long, the smartwatch will give you a reminder to get up and move around. They don’t want you to be lazy or lethargic. Moreover, sitting for long hours can harm your body.
Summing up
Consider buying a smartwatch as the added features can help you track sleep, workouts, steps, calories and even wake you up early in the morning. Manufacturers are putting their best foot forward to make their smartwatches as efficient as they can! When you’ve got a smartwatch, you don’t need a phone, an alarm clock, or even a gym trainer. Smartwatches ensure that you stay active throughout the day!
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