How to Control your Android Devices with Switch Access

Learn about the Android Switch Access to control your Android device

We all own a smartphone these days. And each one us can use it very simply with just a tap or touch on the screen. But have you thought about people who are differently-abled? How do they interact with their smartphone? For all those people, there is an android switch access feature which lets those people to efficiently interact with their Android smartphones by making use of a switch instead of their phone’s screen.

How to Turn on the Android Switch Access on your device:

The next step is to choose the speed of scanning which decides how your highlighter moves between the items on the screen. You can select from the available options or customise the speed too.

The process of scan for android switch access:

Under this tool, the phone’s AI is used to scan the items which are seen on your screen. The phone’s AI highlights the item icon one by one until you choose the one with which you want to interact.

The 3 types of switches which you can use are :


 The android switch access feature definitely makes it easier for specially-abled people to easily use their android devices just like other users.

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