Professions of the future: How to work in eSports?

A few years ago, even today, in some cases, playing video games or dedicating yourself to a profession related to these was a waste of time, a “kid thing.” However, working in eSports means dedicating yourself to a profession of the future, an emerging one, which is turning over more and more millions as the acceptance of video games grows. The eSports offer several career options. You do not have to be a professional player to be part of this sector. Still, you must have specialized training that allows you to know how the world of communication, sports, advertising, and sports sponsorship, among others, works.

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ESports, also known as electronic sports, are video game competitions held on the Internet. There are numerous disciplines, and the operation is the same as for traditional sports. Each video game has its own rules and, therefore, its way of playing. In Spain, eSports became popular thanks to the LVP, the Professional Video Game League, and, specifically, to the video game League Of Legends, one of the protagonists in this sector. The competitions are broadcast on the Twitch platform, where they reach hundreds of thousands of viewers and collect as many viewers in a matter of hours.

The business opportunities in eSports are growing. We are not only talking about players but also about hundreds of professionals who make this possible: content creators, communicators, advertisers, marketing professionals, economists, engineers, and a long etcetera. Each agent involved has done their bit and has allowed the business models that promote eSports to grow. Moreover, let’s remember that eSports are not reduced to face-to-face competitions—quite the contrary. The most significant volume of activity is found online, where all kinds of tournaments and meetings between players, streamers, etc., take place.

According to numerous studies, eSports could surpass competitions such as the Super Bowl and the Champions League in terms of spectators and revenue in less than ten years. Therefore, working in eSports ensures that you are part of an industry that, for the time being, has no end in sight.

What does it take to work in eSports?

The eSports ecosystem provides a multitude of opportunities in the various business models, so to work in eSports, you do not have to have specific training or work experience but know how to adapt to the professional demands of this market. Some of the professions you can access to work in eSports are the following. In addition to those mentioned below, it is worth remembering that anyone can create a team or invest in eSports. It is also a more than viable option for those with a background in business administration and management, finance, and economics.

If you are a student and want to dedicate yourself to esports, you need to settle your academic affairs first. You can delegate your writing assignments to a paper help specialist or take classes with a tutor. Both in the first and the second case, you will have more free time that you can devote to your business, and in our case, to cybersports.

The games with the most significant number of players, fans, and activities are:

Professions in e-sport:

ESports-related skills

What will help you forge your future in eSports, beyond your studies and work experience so far, is your attitude and the improvement of your skills.

A good eSports professional has a mind focused on digital marketing and social media. He knows that the eSports market is on the Internet, so he constantly seeks to update his knowledge in this sector. He also tries to attend or participate in tournaments and events. It is an excellent opportunity to make a place for yourself among the industry’s personalities and meet people with influence.

On the other hand, creating good eSports content is key to reaching a wider audience. It is essential to listen to viewers and design content that interests them. In addition, charisma is one of the main ingredients to engage the audience.

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