Rainbow Six Siege is developed by Ubisoft. The game started its lifecycle unexpectedly. When Ubisoft announced the Rainbow Six Siege game, the hype was real. However, even though the trailer was amazing when the game was released it was horrible. There were many problems such as hackers and problems with hit-reg. Even today games like PUBG Mobile is trying to use real-time protection. These mixed with content availability problems and many players started to drop this game. Rainbow Six Siege was sure to be one of those forgotten games that developers never even want to hear about again.
But things changed. Instead of letting the game die, Ubisoft made a very good decision and doubled their efforts over Rainbow Six Siege. Most of the bugs and hackers were removed. The content increased and a new day for Rainbow Six Siege was born. Also, we need to congratulate the Ubisoft marketing approach. They allowed many players to try the game with free weekends and blitz sales. This allowed an increase in player numbers. The game became one of the best tactical shooters out there. It was an amazing comeback.
Currently, Rainbow Six Siege is available on all consoles and PC. Currently, players cannot jump between servers. Even if you want you cannot play with a friend of yours on a different platform. However, this is about to change. Sony recently announced that they are open for cross-play gaming now. After this, we have seen multiple titles such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare started to implement these into their games. This was an awesome announcement. Nearly every player around the world has a friend playing on a different platform. This will allow them to play together.
Cross-play is the future of gaming for sure. Currently, gamers are divided and this affects the sales of games. Especially on FPS titles, playing with your friends is important. Sony did not allow this until now. After all, PlayStation is the biggest console brand.
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On top of this Rainbow Six Siege developers also announced that the cross-play is under development. This is amazing news. But also some players do not want to play against PC players. This is due to Rainbow Six Siege on the console that does not have aim assist included in the game. Therefore they are believing they will be at a disadvantage. This might be correct until some level. However, on Rainbow Six Siege console most of the players on higher ranks are already using mouse and keyboard.

Rainbow Six Siege crossplay will be something special. There are so few games with this many players. We do hope that players will have a chance to select whether they want to play with cross-play or not. Because recently Fortnite started forcing crossplay matches on players and it was not enjoyable. There were many criticisms regarding this problem.
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