Types of Online Pokies

For a gambler, which is comparatively new in the industry, all the pokies are the same. But this concept is far from any reality. Pokies from Australia online casino cover an extensive range of games, and gamblers can choose to play the games of their choice as per their liking, skill level, and experience. The following lines are all about a few types of online pokies.

3D Pokies

If we talk about the most modern and latest pokies available on the internet, then 3D pokies will be ranked at the very top. Huge companies like Betsoft have improvised to use high-quality 3D graphics to develop three-dimensional pokies for the players. Their user-interface looks so real that the player might feel like he is playing at a real casino. The quality of graphics makes everything look so good and attractive for the players that they feel themselves as engaged in the game completely.

Video Pokies

Although we can say all the online games as video pokies but to be specific, the type we are talking about involves animated videos and graphics in place of static graphics that can be seen on all the other available options on the internet. The demand and popularity of video pokies are increasing day by day as people find themselves in a whole new world while playing these.

3 Reel Pokies

Talking about the simplest of pokies sites, 3-reel pokies were more common in the past when these could be seen at every second casino you saw. The player traffic on these platforms is comparatively lower due to its old and outdated features, and the players tend to move more towards modern and more innovative options. Even though their demand has decreased, still these games are full of fun and can attract beginners.

5 Reel Pokies

5-reel pokies are the games that are most commonly seen on online platforms these days. These are full of impressive features for the players, and once a player signs up to play the game, he will feel totally engrossed in the entertaining game. One main feature about 5-reel pokies is that with the increased number of reels, you can create jackpots that cannot be won easily.

7 Reel Pokies

A game with the minimum chances to win, 7-reel pokies do not have greater customer traffic due to unique features and hard to achieve bonuses. Only if you are lucky enough to have seven similar numbers will you get a chance to win. One major drawback is that it is difficult to maintain and secure all the information on the machine. Moreover, one disadvantage is that the 5-reel pokies are already offering all the required features to the players, which makes it difficult for the players to switch to 7-reel pokies.

To play pokies online, you must have firsthand knowledge about different types of pokies available on the internet. A few such types are discussed in the above line, and for extended information, you can visit exycasinos.com/online-pokies/ that holds all the information related to casinos and pokies.

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