Aragami 2 is a great stealth game. It came out on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, and Nintendo Switch on 17th September 2021. If you have played this game, you probably wanted to play with friends, and most of you must have played the online co-op mode without any issues. This article is for Aragami 2 co-op mode not working on Xbox Series X. If you have encountered this issue, there’s no reason for you to get worried because we are going to solve it for you in this guide itself! Games have some glitches, and they can be fixed easily in a few simple steps. If you have wondered about what would cause this glitch, it might be your internet connection being unstable, Xbox Network going out of service or it could be the system software on your Xbox console itself.
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Fixing Aragami 2 Co-Op Not Working on Xbox Series X
Make sure you follow the fixes mentioned below (the same order in which they have been listed) to fix Aragami 2 co-op issue on Xbox Series X.
Fix Number 1: Is There an Xbox Network Issue?
The very first thing to keep an eye on is Xbox Network. If some maintenance is going on in the servers, online multiplayer service may not be available on your Xbox console. If the service is not available, then you must wait for Xbox Network servers to come back online. You can check if there’s really an outage or not.

Estimated Time: 5 minutes
To see if there is scheduled maintenance or maybe an outage with Xbox Network servers, follow these steps.
Step 1: Get to your favorite web browser.
Step 2: Type ‘Xbox Server Status’ on the search bar.
Step 3: Click on the page that says ‘Xbox Status’.
You will be taken to the official page for checking Xbox Network service status. If all the services are up and running, there will be a tick mark in front of every section. An exclamation mark will be present if the service has some limitations and there will be a circled cross if the service is entirely unavailable.
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Fix Number 2: Resetting or Restarting Your Network Device
If the servers are running fine but you still cannot join your friend’s co-op game on Aragami 2 or invite him, then there might probably be an issue within your router. To troubleshoot your router, you must turn it off and unplug it off the socket for some time. After it’s done, you can plug the router back in and switch it on and let it initialize. Try playing the game now. If the problem still persists, then you can use a LAN cable. A LAN cable might fix network-related issues you are facing in Aragami 2 co-op on Xbox Series X.
Fix Number 3: Check Your Network’s Effective Speed (Is it Enough to Play Aragami 2 Co-Op on Xbox Series X?)
You can check whether your Xbox is getting good enough network signal or not. If the network signal it’s getting is proper, then it’s not your network but if it’s getting bad network signal, then it might just be your network. To check your network’s speed, hit the Xbox button on your controller. Go to your Profile Picture then go down to ‘Settings’. Find the ‘Network Settings’ in the ‘General’ tab. In the ‘Network Settings’ section, press on ‘Test Network Connection’, and the console will let you know if your current network connection is fit for online multiplayer on Xbox Live.
Click here to visit the official Aragami 2 website!
‘Test Network Speed and Statistics’ will display your network’s statistics including the download speed, upload speed, and latency. Wait for the console to run a network test. Microsoft recommends a minimum 3 Mbps download speed, 0.5 Mbps upload speed, and 150 ms ping for online gaming. If your statistics are worse than what Microsoft recommends, then your Xbox might show some problems while playing online.
Last Fix: Power Cycle the Xbox
This will be the last step for fixing Aragami 2 co-op not working on Xbox Series X. For this, you have to restart your Xbox but not in an ordinary manner. You have to hold down the Xbox button (on the console itself) for exactly ten seconds. After that, the Xbox will shut down. Unplug your Xbox now then wait for some minutes. Turn your Xbox on and try playing Aragami 2 co-op with your friend. If you have followed every step properly, the issue should no longer be present. Let us know in the comments below if you were unable to fix Aragami 2 co-op not working on Xbox Series X.