Farming Simulator 21 Expected Release Date
Farming Simulator 20 came out almost 3 months ago but the fans are already speculating about Farming Simulator 21 and without any doubt, the game will come out when once the next generation consoles hit the shelves later this year. Therefore, you can expect Farming Simulator 21 to release after the holiday season in November or December just like Farming Simulator 20 came out in December last year.
Taking a look back at the release dates of previous Farming Simulator games, it’s easy to speculate that Farming Simulator 21 will come out in the last quarter of 2020. In 2019 and 2018, Giants Software released two new installments of Farming Simulator (the last one was released for mobile and Nintendo Switch). Before 2018, any new Farming Simulator game came out every 2 years but the release schedule was different last year. However, Farming Simulator 20 was more of a portable installment in the series because it was exclusively released for the Nintendo Switch and on mobile (Android and iOS). Also read about, Nintendo Switch Pro Console.
Farming Simulator 21: The Next Big Farming Simulator Game
It’s reasonable to speculate that Giants Software will release a new Farming Simulator game for PC and game consoles like PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this year because the last big Farming Simulator game i.e. Farming Simulator 19 was released in 2018. The developer might even wait for the release of next-gen consoles and release their new game with improved visuals on the newer consoles. The players on PS4 and Xbox One don’t need to worry about Farming Simulator 21 being a next-generation exclusive title. There is one big reason why any studio would not release a next-generation exclusive title just yet.
Firstly, not all players would go out on day zero and throw all their hard-earned cash on entirely new hardware. Most of the players will wait and figure out if the new consoles are really worth the upgrade. When new hardware is released, it takes a considerable amount of time before it gets evened out with all those patches and consumer feedback. Hence, the developer will not risk losing money by making its titles next-generation exclusive in the first few months following a new console’s launch. Therefore, Giants Software will surely release Farming Simulator 21 on current-gen (maybe with an option to upgrade to next-gen for free).

Gaint Software and Xbox Smart Delivery
Have you heard about the Xbox Smart Delivery feature? Microsoft is planning to provide a free upgrade to next-generation for anyone who already owns a title on current-gen and all of this without taking an extra dollar. Giants Software may be one of the first companies to adopt the Xbox Smart Delivery feature with Farming Simulator 21.
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Farming Simulator games aren’t too demanding to cause performance issues on current-gen consoles. The current-gen consoles will still be left with plenty of power even after making Farming Simulator 21 run on maxed-out settings.
Farming Simulator Release Schedule
Farming Simulator 19 was more of a rushed release for some fans while some called it a decent game. The old school fans of Farming Simulator (those who played the editions of the last decade) claimed that Farming Simulator 19 was the hurried title. Therefore, most of the fans wanted to see a longer wait time between consecutive releases in the Farming Simulator series. Giants Software won’t take the advice this year because the next-gen consoles are coming and they definitely should have something new make a glistening entry into the next generation. Read Next, Rainbow Six Siege Crossplay.