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A Guide to Leveling in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

Leveling in the World of Warcraft is going to change forever with the next expansion. It is not just going to add on another 5 or 10 levels for us to venture through. It is going to rewrite the leveling experience for the entire game. After the launch of the new extension, leveling will be faster and more streamlined, and perhaps, more importantly, make more sense.

We will no longer have 120 levels in Shadowlands. They are getting squished to a max level of 60. Anyone who is at level 120 right now will be taken down to level 50 when the pre-patch for this extension starts.

Luckily, despite the cap level changes, players won’t be any less powerful and won’t lose their gear. It is just the number of levels that are changing. You won’t lose anything in the process. It just makes levels easier to understand and allows the dev team to shift around the leveling process, so it does not take forever to get another character up to a decent level.

Any new or returning player that is planning to start the game afresh will have to get through the new leveling experience of 1 to 50 before hopping into the Shadowlands.

The fastest way to level up

World of Warcraft Shadowlands 1

Getting to level 50 might not sound like a lot of time to get through, but you need to understand how the new leveling is going to work. Your leveling journey will be a bit different depending on whether you have played well before or not.

Most of the pro players who have already tested the new extension are saying that it takes about an hour to complete one level. That means it will take you several days, if not weeks if you are a new player. If you want to get to level 50 as fast as possible, the Shadowlands boost is there for you.

Leveling up from Level 1 to Level 10

World of Warcraft Shadowlands 2

As a new player, you will kick things off in a starting area called Exile’s Reach. It is an entirely new leveling experience that will take you from level 1 up to level 10. Your faction has discovered a previously unexplored island and sent a team to go and investigate. They have not been in contact for a while. They are now sending a second expedition to go and figure out what going on and what went wrong. You are part of that second expedition.

The Exile’s Reach zone will be all about testing your mettle, proving your worth, getting to grips with your class, and rescuing allies from whatever trouble they have gotten themselves into. It is a varied land with a lot of World of Warzone’s favorite and famous creatures such as Ogres and Merlots.

As you progress through the zone, you will learn about a particularly nasty Ogre that has your friends captive and is planning on sacrificing then in a grand ritual. The experience will culminate in a mini-dungeon with two bosses that you will have to work through to defeat the ogre Necromancer and his reanimated pet. This dungeon won’t have a lot of typical restrictions that you will find in other dungeons. It will scale to how many players you have. You should be able to complete it on your own, with up to 5 players, and without any role restriction.

No matter what you decide to play or class you pick up next, finishing off that dungeon right to the end of Exile’s Reach should never be a problem. But it will give new players a taste of what dungeons could be like, what group play is like, and what lies in store for them if they continue with adventures and leveling up.

Leveling up tips for returning players

If you are not new to the game and decide to create a new character, you will have a lot more choice about what you can do. You will be able to head on over to Exile’s Reach if you want to experience a new zone, or you can decide to run to the old starting area. The choice is yours.

What’s cool about the Exile’s Reach area is that everyone can start there regardless of their class or race.

So if you want to start a new character with a few friends, but no one can agree on what to play, now you can hop over to the Exile’s Reach and play together right away. Remember, when these changes go live, both death Knights and demon hunters will be staring at level 1 along with other players.

The old starting area is not going away, but you can choose whether or not you want to do one of those or the new stuff. The majority of starting experiences will take you from level 1 to 10 and guide you into your capital city for the next leg of your adventure. Allied races are a little different. They will bypass the starting areas just like they do right now. They will start at level 10 ready for their next step.

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Rupesh Kumar

First, I am an online marketing professional, as well as a night time gamer with a wide array of interests. Aside from constantly writing about games, I also enjoy writing about my other hobbies such as fitness, cooking, home DIY projects and travel. Contact me at [email protected]

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