Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was expected with a lot of hype. The game is taking place in our modern age after a long time. This allows for players to take advantage of the modern weaponry. There is everything in this game. This time Call of Duty franchise is taking another route. They are mixing several games into one game. For example, there is “Battlefield” like maps with 64 players and can have up to 100 players. These big wars with tanks and helicopters are a Battlefield feature. The characters are feeling like Rainbow Six Siege characters. Also, there are different game modes for every taste.
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The game is offering a lot of variety. Call of Duty is doing something like this for the first time. The game got a good reaction from most of the community, but there are still problems. Especially concerning spawn points. Currently, the spawns do not flip to prevent this and players are spawning and getting shot immediately. Also, several guns such as M4A1 need some balancing, because they are really powerful. The new game modes are very good and accepted by most of the community. However, there is one question that needs to be answered: Will Call of Duty Modern Warfare have Battle Royale?
Battle Royale games are an integral part of the gaming world now. The most populated games are generally either Battle Royale games or MOBA games. Such as Dota Underlords getting updated regularly with a lot of players. Battle Royale games give us the thrill of becoming number one out of many players. PUBG started with a simple concept and later Fortnite built upon it. Nowadays, there is a Battle Royale game in nearly every shooter. Every big company wanted a slice of the cake. Even Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 had Battle Royale called Blackout. However, even though the game was considered ok with good graphics. There was one problem to reach big audiences, the $60 price tag. Also availability around the world. Currently, the entire continent of Asia has 4 servers.

This was the main problem for many players around the world. PUBG was not expensive and Fortnite also Apex Legends are free-to-play games. Of course, Activision locked the game mode behind a paywall and the game did not reach the audience. However, this time things can be different. Recent leaks suggested that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Battle Royale is a possibility. Some of these leaks went as far as saying that the game mode will be released in January 2020.
Also, some stated that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Battle Royale will be free to play for all players. We do hope that this is correct. Because Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a very good game and people will appreciate a good Battle Royale experience with this game. The game does have an extremely good potential to be number 1 Battle Royale if it is free.
Read Next, How to Play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Split Screen.