Cooking Crush a Most Addictive Time Management Game of 2021

It is fun looking at my grandma’s recipes books. She has shelves upon shelves lined with them. The recipe books have such pretty pictures. Some are so vivid that my mouth starts to water. Growing up with my grandmother gave me the opportunity to not only be familiarized with fresh ingredients but to learn the different ways I could use them to create my own masterpiece.

Today, I am a novice. I know how to cook all kinds of great dishes and my kids enjoy them so much. I want them to experience the same awe I felt back in my grandma’s house. However, we live far away from her and I am so busy with my job That I can not find the time to teach them myself. Being a single parent is tough but I am determined to bring them the same joy that kept me going!

Cooking Crush

This is why I have opted for Cooking Crush. It is a brand new cooking game, introduced by culinary-masters Flowmotion Entertainment Incorporated. Flowmotion has a good reputation in the world of culinary gaming. They have been working to make their name since 2014 and have produced a wide variety of classics like Cook It! and Kitchen Craze. The co-founders of Flowmotion Entertainment Incorporated, Dario Pavan and Ryan Yada have dedicated their lives to providing the best restaurant games to our fans.

R&R – Restaurants & Recipes

  1. Crème Café
  2. Dream Deli
  3. Salty Taverna
  4. Party Parlor
  5. Rockin’ Diner
  6. Crazy Cantina
  7. Donut Den
  8. Tandoori Treasure
  9. Perfect Pie
  10. Cake Corner, and brand new
  11. Canadian Restaurant

Be A Happy Chef

Backpack Buddies

Flowmotion is proud to partner with to fight starvation and hunger in the world. Together with the players’ help, these companies are collaborating to organize the delivery of meals to hungry children around the world. This project is being funded by the revenue from the very cooking games that are played. Flowmotion has been contributing to this cause silently for many years. So far, 45,000 meals have already been delivered.

Read Next: Minecraft vs. Roblox: A Look at the Two Most Popular Sandbox Titles.

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