Sony Adds A Free RDR2 Bonus to Its PS Plus Roster For December 2019
You can grab free tarot cards as well as discounted items for RDR 2 with your PS Plus subscription

Sony offers free games for PS Plus subscribers every month. December 2019 is going to be a treat for existing subscribers as Sony is offering a free bonus for next month. All of the titles will be available on December 3, and you will be able to play them as long as you have a subscription active.
PS Plus Free Games December 2019

Sony will be announcing the games later today (November 27) at 4.30 pm GMT. So what’s the bonus that everyone should be excited for? It’s a Red Dead Redemption 2 freebie pack for RDR2 owners. If you play Red Dead Online on PS4, you will be getting a ton of free loot. New bounties and items will also be added in the coming weeks.
You need not worry about PS4 exclusive rewards for December, as other platforms are also getting some goodies. All Bounty Hunters will be eligible for 25% off on the Bounty Wagon for the current week. All Collectors will also get a discount of 25% from Madam Nazar as well as Fence.

If you are a PS Plus owner, you can grab the Page of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, and the King of Pentacles for free! These are tarot cards that you can earn in-game, and they will be available for free as long as you have Sony’s online subscription.
If you collect the full set of cards, you will get a ton of EXP as well as cash for completing your set. When you grab your cards, make sure to check your collection and work towards a complete collection.
One of the bonuses will also be available for November 2019, so grab them before December 3, which will reset the rewards and bring new loot into the pool for all players. If you do not have Red Dead Redemption 2 already, do grab the game during the Black Friday sales!
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