
Puma Gamer Socks and Ninja X Adidas

Puma Gaming Socks and with the Ninja X Adidas gaming is changing industries.

Gaming is the number one marketing field today. There is no other industry in the world where you can reach young audiences faster. Gaming is the number one in this field. Twitch and other streaming platforms are offering great places for advertising and more. This, of course, caught the attention of big companies. Even BMW sponsored an Esports organization because it is the best way to reach an audience. People are watching TV lesser and lesser, and the means of advertising are changing with it. Today Youtube and Google advertising is the number one field. Of course, gaming demographics are not that young also. According to recent statistics, the average gaming age is rising. This is because the first generation of gamers are in their 30’s now, and they are still gaming. Also, gaming started to affect the textile industry. PUMA and Adidas are changing its brand.

Puma Gaming Socks
Image Credit: Puma UK

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First of all, let us start with Puma Gaming socks. This is the weirdest thing we have ever seen. Why do gamers need gaming socks? To stand up and reach the fridge faster? However, Puma did this and will it sell? Well, it will. Maybe not a lot, but most probably people who want to have the full gamer set with an extra $100 standing around will want to purchase it.  Of course, it also does improve your aim in the game. From now on you can say they have better gaming socks, not chairs. Jokes aside, this is just marketing by Puma and it has nothing that will affect your gaming performance. Maybe they are extra comfortable, but that is all.

On the other hand, we have the Ninja X Adidas partnership. It is only normal that Ninja is doing a partnership like this. since he is the most internationally know gaming superstar. Is Ninja the best player in the world? Not, however, he is the first and foremost of gaming stars. Therefore Adidas making a partnership with him is normal. They have designed a shoe as far as we know, and the designs will keep coming. The motto is chosen as Time In. We heard this motto in the first video of Ninja. The shoes do look interesting enough, and we are certain that Ninja fans and collectors will purchase it.

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Gaming is changing the world. Maybe in the future, it can even pass classical sports. Because gaming has much more variety than a normal football match. These apparels are showing us how much big companies are interested to invest in gaming. Maybe they will be successful, maybe not. But can you imagine that 10 years ago these companies were creating this footwear for basketball players, football players, etc? Now they are creating these for gamers. This is the only way of understanding the potential of gaming. We wish you guys good aim with Puma Gaming socks.

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Dante Uzel

From Turkey but living in Indonesia. Playing games 24/7. Been reviewing games for some time now. Also, love to compete in an Esports environment. Travelling and writing are the two things I like besides games. You can contact me at [email protected]

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