BlizzCon 2019 will take place at Anaheim Convention Center. This year’s BlizzCon is going to be extremely interesting and there are a number of reasons for this. First of all, Blizzard is under attack by the media, the gaming community, and even US Congress. Currently, the situation is escalating. The problems started at a Heartstone tournament with Blizzard banning one of the competitors for his “Free Hong Kong” speech. Since then, Blizzard is trying to control the situation however they are not backing down and continue to ban more players from Heartstone and even banning Twitch viewers for protesting the situation.

However, let us put the politics aside. Let us check what we can possibly get from BlizzCon 2019. This year at BlizzCon 2019 “most probably” new games will be announced. Because Blizzard has several problems with their current titles. Overwatch is losing players and currently, the game has problems. Also, players were expecting a new Diablo game last year. However, even though Blizzard announced a new Diablo game last year, the game was announced for mobile. This created another problem because most of the players were expecting a new PC title for the series. Therefore we can say that Blizzard’s hand is forced on these titles. So we can expect Overwatch 2 and Diablo announcements at BlizzCon 2019.

Overwatch has always been a competitive game with a huge community. Even though the community started to shrink in the last year, the game has a huge potential. Overwatch also has a strong esports arena. However, as we have said the game is losing players due to several reasons. According to leakers, the game will change substantially with the Overwatch 2. We can expect new game modes. Also, hew heroes. Even though Overwatch already has a number of heroes on the game. The game definitely lacks in some of the support roles such as healers. The leaks also suggest a PvE mode coming into the game. The leaks state that Blizzard is putting a massive effort to release Overwatch as fast as possible. We do hope that this will not create an unpolished game.
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The amount of good FPS titles released in the last 3 years increased. Especially Battle Royale games now have a huge market share. The announcement of games like Apex Legends is also not making things easier for Overwatch. Yes, two games are different and one of them is a battle-royale game but Apex Legends is the only hero based Battle Royale game out there. Most of the Overwatch players gave a shot at Apex Legends such as ex-Overwatch pro player Mendokusaii. Overwatch had a really good year before the release of Fortnite. However currently most of the Battle-Royale games is ahead of Overwatch.
Another reason is also pricing. Not everyone around the world is willing to give $60 to a game. Most of the Battle Royale games are free-to-play games. This is also creating an issue. Even CS: GO could not take the loss and changed their game to a free-to-play game.
We hope Overwatch 2 will be announced at the BlizzCon 2019. BlizzCon 2019 will take take place on Noverber1-2, 2019.