
What does Logitech Adaptive Gaming Kit do?

Logitech Adaptive Gaming might be the answer for players with limited mobility.

Gaming is one of the joys of our life. Humankind always relaxes and has fun with games. Whether it was playing chess or playing a VR game. Today we are living in the golden days of gaming. The games that we can play today is pretty amazing. Most of us would not believe that gaming would be this much integrated into our lives. Not just PC or console gaming also mobile games. Mobile games changed the scene a lot. Because everyone has a phone. Of course, this does not mean that create a Diablo game for mobile as Blizzard did. But gaming became much more integrated into everyone’s lives, whether you are a businesswoman or a gardener everyone plays games.

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However, there are some of us, who cannot enjoy playing games comfortably. There are many joys in our lives and gaming provides one of those joys. But people with disabilities cannot enjoy gaming as most of us do. Generally, this issue is unspoken because big companies would not want to invest in something like this. However, for people who want to play games, but not able to do so is another part of life missing. Microsoft and Logitech brought their multi-billion dollar companies together to create a solution to this issue and created the Logitech Adaptive Gaming Kit.

Xbox already had an Xbox adaptive gaming controller. This controller is very different from the ones we saw before. It is designed for players with limited mobility. It creates an alternate solution. However, you do need a lot of side kits, etc. Therefore Microsoft wanted to partner with Logitech to create Logitech Adaptive Gaming Kit. This kit is extremely unique and created for every type of use. Players can fit this into their arms even and control it with one hand. It is customizable whether you want to change the positions of the buttons, etc. You can put the kit on a table and play it however you want. There are various cable lengths as well.

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Logitech Adaptive Gaming Kit has 4 light touch buttons, 2 variable triggers, 3 small buttons, and 3 large buttons. It does come with rigid and flexible gaming boards for players to use. It does offer an alternative solution to a problem. Even if it usable by one person it is amazing. Hopefully Logitech Gaming Kit will allow players around the world to play the game comfortably. These type of issues needs to be addressed more by the big companies. The gaming market tripled in the last years. There are all kinds of gamers out there and people who want to play games but can not.

Logitech Adaptive Gaming Kit
Image Credit: Logitech

We must congratulate Microsoft and Logitech on this partnership. Xbox adaptive controller was a great revolution and partnering with Logitech to push it to the next level is something amazing. Hopefully, this device will help everyone that needs it. The kit comes with stickers to customize the way you want to play. The buttons are not predetermined so you can choose any button and match them.  Logitech Gaming Kit is $99 and usable on both consoles and PC. This ability alone will make it useful for everyone who wants to try it. Because you just need this to play anywhere you want.

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Dante Uzel

From Turkey but living in Indonesia. Playing games 24/7. Been reviewing games for some time now. Also, love to compete in an Esports environment. Travelling and writing are the two things I like besides games. You can contact me at [email protected]

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