
What Happened to PUBG PC?

PUBG PC Version lost a lot of players.

Some games set the trends for years to come. World of Warcraft was one of these games, it created an MMORPG domination in gaming for 5-6 years. Age of Empires is another great example. However, the most recent example is without a doubt PUBG. PUBG created a battle royale experience for all of us. The developer inspired by a DayZ mode. But the developer Greene wanted to create a huge map with endless possibilities. This was an interesting attempt. Because the size of the maps determines the gameplay. For example, Battlefield maps are larger than CoD maps. But even in those, you can find a pattern for enemy locations. In PUBG maps you need a lot of experience to see patterns.

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The game was in development at first as an Arma mode. Later it was moved to the Steam Early Access program. It all started there, PUBG slowly attracted attention, after some time PUBG was the most popular game in the world. PUBG still has the world record in peak player count. This record is over 3 million live players. Dota 2’s peak player record is 1.3 million players and CS: GO’s is 850 thousand. This explains how insane this record is. Maybe Fortnite broke this record. But we cannot be sure, because Epic Games does not release actual numbers. Things were looking great for PUBG. But two years after the release PUBG lost more than 70% of its player base on PC. What happened to PUBG PC Version?

PUBG Record
Image Credit: Steamcharts

The biggest hit came from Fortnite. Fortnite also started as a fun mode for the game. The actual game was Save The World. The Battle Royale version of Fortnite came, after the success of PUBG. Also, it was free-to-play to attract players to Save the World. But it took off and became the most popular game in the world. The game was more fun, especially for players who enjoy a little bit more arcadey gameplay. PUBG was realistic, therefore if you made one mistake you are dead. But Fortnite allows mistakes because there is a building mechanic. Also, Fortnite got updated every week. PUBG could not compete with them.

Image Credit: Steam

One of the biggest problems was the hacking problem in PUBG. This started mainly when the Chinese ports opened in-game. Chinese players flooded the European servers with their aimbots and wallhacks. Eventually, the developer’s region locked Chinese players. However, the damage was already there. This hit cost %15 of the player base. For European players and Americans hacking in a game is unacceptable. They will wait for some time for developers to solve it. However, if it is not getting fixed, they will not return to that game. This was the number one reason why players stopped playing PUBG. Another problem was the bugs. The game still has a lot of bugs, and these bugs are not getting fixes. The optimization issues are still there as well.

Image Credit: Steamcharts

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PUBG could have been a great game. Unless the developers magically improve various parts of the game. We believe that the game is great but poor execution. Yes, the mobile version is going great, and it is really fun. However even there, sometimes there are hackers or people who play with emulators and use a mouse and keyboard. Modern gaming became so competitive players use every means to get a result. Maybe the time is ready for developing a PUBG 2 instead of the Lite version. No matter what PUBG created the Battle Royale genre. Yes, they are losing players, but it was a great success for some time.

Dante Uzel

From Turkey but living in Indonesia. Playing games 24/7. Been reviewing games for some time now. Also, love to compete in an Esports environment. Travelling and writing are the two things I like besides games. You can contact me at [email protected]

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