
When Will We See The New Witcher 4?

Witcher series became a cult with the TV show now players are asking when can we see the new Witcher game

Witcher is extremely popular nowadays. The main reason behind this the TV Show of course. Interestingly since the TV show started Witcher broke its peak player count by reaching more than a hundred thousand players playing at the same time. This was great and can influence further TV shows based on games and books. Witcher Series got very famous and the actor Henry Cavill is a very hardcore gamer himself so he is worshipped by the gamer generation. But since the series was also successful and Witcher as a game series was very successful, players are wondering when will the next Witcher or Witcher 4 will be released?

New Witcher 4
Image Credit: Witcher 3

To answer this question regarding the next Witcher game. We need to take a look at the negotiations between the author Andrzej Sapkowski and CD Projekt Red. As you know Witcher was a book series actually, and quite famous around Poland. Even before the games developed by CD Projekt Red. However, Witcher transformed to video games and it was very successful. But the author Andrzej Sapkowski was not very happy, the negotiations was going on since December 2018 and finally, both parties agreed with each other. But this does not mean that there will be another Witcher game next year.

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CD Projekt Red developers announced that for the last 10 years, they have only designed castles and swords, etc. They are ready to develop something else such as Cyberpunk 2077. As we all know Cyberpunk 2077 is being developed by CD Projekt Red, and it is the most expected game of 2020. Of course, there must be a new Witcher game in the future, otherwise, why would CD Projekt Red force an agreement for so long.

Also, even if we get a game, we may not see Geralt of Rivia in it. This is something to consider after the end of Witcher 3, his story is pretty much over. Yes, he was a very charismatic and witty persona very fitting to the game. But even CD Projekt Red developers are feeling like this also. Because they have stated that Geralt may make a cameo appearance only in the future.

CD Projekt Red E3 2004
Image Credit: Reddit

But this should not make the fans of the series or the games unhappy. Because CD Projekt Red is growing larger, they can produce AAA games very fast. The interesting part is how come a gaming company with a small stall at the E3, became this famous they must be doing something right. Even though we are not going to see Witcher 4 for some time. CD Projekt Red will develop beautiful games until then. Just take a look at their beginnings, and you will understand. The picture above is from E3 2004, and the video below is from E3 2019.

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Dante Uzel

From Turkey but living in Indonesia. Playing games 24/7. Been reviewing games for some time now. Also, love to compete in an Esports environment. Travelling and writing are the two things I like besides games. You can contact me at [email protected]

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