Crackdown 4: Will It Release In the Near Future?
Will Microsoft Take Another Leap Of Faith With Crackdown?

Are you looking to learn about Crackdown 4? If you do, then you have come to the right place.
Crackdown is one of those franchises that defined the first generation of Xbox. It was a revolutionary open-world game that changed how we perceive exploration. It also has an amazing environment that explodes. Yes, exploding things is a major part of the game.
Crackdown 4: Will It Release In the Near Future?
Microsoft Studios have invested heavily in the IP. Their latest Crackdown 3 release released in Feb 2019. But, it received mixed reactions from the players and critics.
So, does that mean that we will not have Crackdown 4?
Also, read Far Cry 6.
Let’s explore more!
Crackdown 4 release date
The lack of success can be a big deterrent to the release of the next version. Right now, there is no official word from Microsoft of the next iteration. And, that’s completely understandable considering the lackluster sales performance for Crackdown 3.

The main downfall of the Crackdown 3 is that it didn’t innovate much more than its previous two iterations. According to Microsoft’s executives, they did a mistake by announcing the game early in the E3 2014. The game got delayed three or four times before it was released in Feb 2019.
Microsoft can take this as a learning experience and create a unique yet improved Crackdown 4 for the players. The franchise still has a lot of followers and nobody wants to see the franchise to die down soon.
In fact, we can say that Crackdown 4 is always on the card with the upcoming release of the next-generation Xbox Series X console. Will it come? Only time will tell. For now, we can only speculate on what we can expect from the game.
Game Location
The last two versions of Crackdown didn’t do much justice when it comes to location. They didn’t innovate much or give us a location that we really love! It is all about having the hero run around in a big city without any memorable place. The theme is the night sky with neon lights and colored orbs. There was also not much difference between the buildings.
As of the next Crackdown 4, Microsoft can change the theme and make the game more appealing to both new gamers and old followers.
We can expect more changes including new heroes that can do cool things, and not just destroy things.
Improvements in Multiplayer
One more area that Crackdown 4 can improve is multiplayer. The Crackdown series is also known for its multiplayer. However, their Crackdown 3 multiplayer didn’t reach new heights. Initially, they promised to release a multiplayer that is powered by cloud computing. In simple words, the destruction will be calculated through cloud computing. It is amazing! However, the implementation was not so great!
In the future, we can see improvements in the multiplayer. Maybe they can try something new and ensure some unique experience for the player.
So, what do you think about Crackdown 4? Do you think that Microsoft will announce it even after the subliminal performance of Crackdown 3? Comment below and let us know. Read Next, Roblox on PS4.