PUBG Experience
If you have played PUBG on Xbox One or PS4 then you probably know what a disaster it is to play this battle royale game at 30 frames per second along with frequent drops to the lower 20s. While it’s true that PUBG is graphically advanced on both the consoles, their performance has never been satisfactory since day zero. PUBG PC Lite was released to extend the original PUBG experience to gamers with feebler systems. Will Tencent Games venture into improving the performance of PUBG on Xbox One and PS4 by releasing a lite version of the game?
PUBG Lite on Xbox One
The PUBG PC Lite experience is more of a mixture between PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC. PUBG PC Lite borrows the physical aspects from PC version of the game with conveniences from the mobile version still intact. If PUBG Lite were to ever release on Xbox One, it would be a combination of PUBG Xbox One and PUBG Mobile. Also, read Will We Ever See Forza PS4?.
You get exactly the same physics offered on Xbox One, PS4 and PC versions of the game even if you are playing the graphically toned-down Lite version. Therefore, players who care more about frames and less about how the vegetation looks will find the Lite version better. Though PUBG PC Lite is a downgraded version, it isn’t necessarily true that the textures and visual effects are also severely lowered. The reflections, for instance, are acceptable but not as great.

Why the Performance Hit on Consoles?
Both Xbox One and PS4 desperately struggle to run the full-fledged PUBG because these hardwares were already underpowered when they were released back in 2013. You could play PUBG Lite on a PC with specs as low as 4 gigs of RAM and a simple Core i3 processor.
PUBG runs at 30 frames per second even on Xbox One X. And the performance isn’t stable either. Jump in Georgopol and you will see those frames drop as more and more players open their parachutes. I would rather prefer to run a graphically relegated version of the game at a stable 60 frames per second and land my shots where they are supposed to.
A lite version of the game would run like a charm both on Xbox One and PS4 because the consoles are powerful enough to run a graphically downgraded version. Since PUBG is an online shooter, the frames are way more important than graphics.
Would you stick to playing the cutting-edge version of PUBG at 30 frames per second on your Xbox One or play the same game at 60 frames per second with slight graphical downgrading? Let us know what you think!
PUBG Lite Beta Phase
PUBG Lite is still in the beta phase on PC and it will take a considerable amount of time before it becomes a stable release. Therefore, Microsoft and Sony are less likely to bring this game, currently being tested on PC, to their platforms anytime soon. You might have noticed that console giants only release a stable version of the game to the public. Read Next, How to Delete a PS4 Account.