
Xbox Game Pass Gets Massive Update With The Outer Worlds, Secret Neighbor, and More

Four new games have already been confirmed for this year with more to be added to the Xbox Game Pass

If you game on PC or Xbox One, we have some great news for you. Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass is getting some brand-new games, including Obsidian Entertainment’s The Outer Worlds. For those who are unaware, Obsidian is behind some of the most iconic games of all time, including the Fallout series. The developers at Obsidian Entertainment are responsible for creating the older Fallout games we grew up enjoying. If you are looking for something more casual, there is also Afterparty, Lonely Mountains: Downhill and Secret Neighbor to look forward to.

What’s New In The Xbox Game Pass October Update?

Xbox Game Pass
Xbox Game Pass

Lonely Mountains: Downhill

The first title that was confirmed for the Xbox Game Pass is Lonely Mountains: Downhill, which is a racing game. You have to dodge obstacles and make it down safely. If you have played on the Xbox 360, you will surely get some Downhill Domination vibes from the game.

Secret Neighbor

Secret Neighbor is a horror game with multiplayer elements. You get to play as a kid who teams up with his friends. Your goal is to save a friend who is trapped in a creepy little house. It is a fresh take on horror and feels inspired by popular TV shows like Stranger Things. We can’t wait to try it out and see what the experience is like.


Minit is the third title that is being added to the Xbox Game Pass. It is available for play only in 60-second intervals. It sounds like a cool concept for a game that we’d love to play on our phones. The game is scheduled for release later today, and we want to get out hands on it as soon as possible.

The Outer Worlds

Coming to one of the biggest releases of this year, we can’t wait to see what Obsidian Entertainment has in store for it. It is one of the most hyped releases of this year. It is available on the Xbox Game Pass, and if you do not want to dump $60 on it, you can grab the pass for just a dollar. It is possibly one of the most potent single-player FPS RPGs in years, and we can’t wait to try it out tomorrow once it out. For those who have the Game Pass, you can start downloading the game and keep it pre-loaded.

Which game are you looking forward to the most from this month’s Xbox Game Pass update? Let us know in the comments below.

Nitish Singh

Nitish Singh is working in the industry for the past five years. His work is featured in the likes of Dzone, OpenSource, and GeekFlare. He is keen on learning about new technologies and has special interest in blockchain, WordPress, artificial intelligence, and gaming. You can contact him at [email protected]

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