Overwatch is one of the best shooters. When the game first came out it was amazing. Blizzard created a masterpiece. The game won several awards as well. However, things started to change afterwards. There was a couple of reasons behind this. Battle Royale games started to captivate the world. This was an unknown opponent for Blizzard. Because Battle Royale games are different from a game like Overwatch. For example, PUBG is still very active even on mobile. Of course, Overwatch held its own for some time. The game was one of the biggest shooters in the world. However, things changed after Fortnite released.
This was unacceptable for a Blizzard product. We all know that Blizzard tends to develop games for a very long time. However, the games that they create are also lasting generally for years to come. For example, World of Warcraft 15 years and still counting. But OW needed a polishing for sure. The game was losing players for some time now. Although this did not affect the games pro scene popularity. The game climbs on top whenever there is a major tournament still. However, currently, the game lost a lot of players. Other games offered much more such as game modes, etc.

In the light of this Overwatch 2 will probably be released at BlizzCon this weekend. This was expected for some time now. Blizzard, as we have said before, knew that the game needs a fresh start. Therefore they gave everything they have and created the new title. However, there is still one question, what will happen to the original OW?
Overwatch is still a competitive shooter loved by millions. Most gaming companies would let it die, so Overwatch 2 might take its place. However, according to leaks, there is a big chance that Blizzard will allow Overwatch to be free-to-play. This would be very interesting actually. On the one hand, if it becomes a free-to-play game it will be very good for sales for Overwatch 2. Players will try it and they will want to get a taste of Overwatch 2. However, there is also another side of the medallion. Keeping servers alive for years to come and the added cost for Blizzard might make this decision problematic. If the game will be free-to-play it may create an Apex Legends effect players rushing to try it out for sure.

Regardless, of course, us gamers will prefer it to be free-to-play. Overwatch is a huge game with lots of replayability. After all, this game is amazing to play with your friends and if it is free, everyone will have access to it. We just hope that Blizzard’s recent problems will not affect the development of Overwatch 2. There is a big chance for us to see also the new Diablo game. That game also is awaited by millions of players around the world. Overwatch 2 and a Diablo 4 release might remove all the dirt Blizzard collected over the last month.
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